Wednesday, May 26, 2010

... The End

Time passed too quickly again and a semestre is ending. This word " end" scares me terribly, it reminds me inevitability of getting old and the time which separated for me will finish. After these joyful years of studentship, suddenly the concreate wall of awful truth will hit me, fear of unknown will defeat me. So today i am greatful for everything i have, because when these happy years will pass and after years of unknown will pass, i will definately know the time for me is finished and memories of today will ease my fear. Also Sonja thank you because only concern of me know is a little presentation and a 1-2 pages of work but you left a great amount of memories through my studentship. It is really hard to say good bye's.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean about time passing too quickly, Atalay. I feel that I'm just beginning to know the students I've been teaching since September, and oops! the semester is finished.

    Don't be fearful of the future because you're going to experience so many wonderful things. You're right that the memories will be a comfort to you in the tough times.

    Thank you too for the memories. We won't say goodbye, we'll say 'see you soon'... =)
